Tuesday 3 May 2011

Week 09 media lit blog: ‘Othering’

Article: compulsory sexuality and lesbian experience

Adrienne Rich confronts a very sensitive and critical issue in her article ‘Compulsory Heterosexuality and lesbian existence’ which, looks at the idea of heterosexuality being the ‘normal’ way of life, as well as the way in which this norm has influenced feminism and the role of women past and present. She states that ‘’A feminist critique of compulsory heterosexual orientation for women is long overdue’ (p. 229). Through juxtaposing heterosexual and lesbian existence Rich points out that feminist beliefs and concerns have ways of limiting and disadvantaging women as a collective group and is in dire need of review.

Interesting generalisations in relation to lesbian relationships are critiqued in Rich’s argument such as the act of being a lesbian resulting from a bitterness towards men (p.229) I find the ‘acting out on bitterness towards men idea’ to be quite distasteful and inaccurate in generalising the motives and feelings of lesbians. A similar train of thought could be- the generalisation that all fat people are fat due to acting out on their bitterness towards thin people, which, of course is completely ridiculous and capricious generalisation to take up.

Jennifer Miller also known, as ‘the bearded lady’ is a person I thought was of great relevance to this subject matter. When asked in an interview ‘Why do you think people are so interested by that? (In regards to her refusal to shave/ remove her facial hair) she had this to say ‘Well it crosses gender boundaries, so that’s fascinating, that’s just endlessly fascinating. Why is it fascinating to people? I don’t know. It’s probably fascinating to people because we’re all in constant, if not battle-dialogue or interesting levels of interaction with the many sides of ourselves that might not always fit in our prescribed gender roles.’
The idea of ‘prescribed gender roles’ is a huge component of Rich’s contention, the idea of women’s roles being to satisfy men, men who have throughout history denied women their sexuality, confined, overpowered, objectified and withheld from societies knowledge and cultural attainments. (p.233)


Rich, A., 1993, ‘Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence’ in The Gay and Lesbian Studies Reader, Routledge, New York, pp. 227-254.

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